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Date:                  March 18, 2016


To:                     General Public


From:                 Bro. Michael Leonard (Founder / President )


Re :                    Welcome Letter






              Welcome to QCTI's web-site, my name is Bro. Michael Leonard, Founder / President of Quest Centers for The Interdependent Inc. QCTI is a 501 (c)3 tax exempt non-profit organization, we want to inform the community in which we plan to open and operate of QCTI’s goals and services we plan to offer.


              Quest will be best described as a All-In-One Help Center. Our goal is to seek out those that are interdependent on the government or society for survival. Whether it is temporary housing, financial aid, transportation to and from work or one of our new programs. Our goal is to be able to help and assist people in the community in every way possible. Lights, water, gas are just a few things people have trouble with sometime. Childcare assistance and after-school programs are other services we will offer.


              Our immediate concerns are just establishing our presence in the community and setting up our home office. We would also like to meet with others in the community with the same goals and visions as ours. Programs that are already established in the area will have our full support. The programs that we are fortunately blessed to oversee, we will insure that we work closely with the city officials and gain the support of the community.


              Quest projects and programs, just to name a few, are our Life Rehabilitation program. Which consist of 90 days and three phases of spiritual, financial and physical counseling and support given to the participants. Another program is Fresh Start, a program dealing with members of society recently released from being incarcerated or maybe even a last resort before going to prison. I.C.C.O.A., is Introducing Children in the Community to On-stage Acting. The name speaks for itself. ICCOA will be a after School program given children in the community a chance to learn and experience acting on-stage. However it will not just be specifically for children it will be open to the public, adults included.


   , is something new we are trying, if you like to shop on Amazon, select us as you favorite charity. Every little bit helps, .


Txt2Give - Just Text GIVE and the amount you would like to Donate to [ 1- 256-373-5522] Eample: Text - GIVE 50 to (1-256-373-5522) That's it, just that easy and a great way to give. Thanks for your support.


Any comments or questions please fell free to contact me at the above








Bro. Michael Leonard


(Founder / President) QCTI      




                                                                                                             Last Revised: January 26, 2016 - Time:12:02 PM

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