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              One of our main programs is called, "Life-Rehabilitation Program", which consist of three phases over a period of 90 days. This program is not to be confused with a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, where focus may be on one or two bad habits a person may have. Through our program, we intend to promote an overall change in mentality and character through faith-based teachings and a rehabilitation process that is unique to QCTI. To register for this or other programs, individuals will complete an application and sit for an interview with an organization representative. The application and interview will allow us to obtain the information necessary to place the individual in programs best suited to their needs.

              The Life-Rehabilitation Program will work with individuals to identify negative behaviors and beliefs holding them back from achieving their true potential, and teaching life skills. This program will include group counseling sessions, individual redevelopment sessions, and workshops. Life skills teaching may include anger management, parenting, living life according to the Bible teachings, budgeting, etc. Along with many other programs, the organization intends to help any person who comes through our doors and serve as an All-In-One Help Center.

Quarantine Unify Exodus School Transform


     The (90) Day Journey to Self-Reliance through a process we call and consider to be a "Life-Rehabilitation program. Three phases over a period of (90) days.

     Helping individuals and families get their life back together and helping them get back on their feet is what we do. Every now and again we all could use a Hand-up.

NOTE: This is only an example of the services QCTI will provide. Although the testimony in this video is real and given by the actual person. This video is from the archives of another Rehabilitation Center. QCTI has a unique rehabilitation process, however there are some simular methods we share, such as, keeping the groups small and hands on care. This video serves as an example only.

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