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          QCTI's Fresh Start Program is a prison ministry where we minister to the needs of those incarcerated and those being released in the near future, giving them the extra support they need for the transition back into society.


          We will be helping them get back on their feet by assisting with securing identification documents, applying for and securing employment; applying for housing programs, and ensuring individuals meet the terms of their probation. Volunteers and staff will work as case managers to assist individiuals in accomplishing their goals that lead to self-sufficiency and eliminate recidivism. The program will also involve doing financial aid counseling to insure the participant is living within their means. This program will take place in a different location than our other programs, to insure there are no probation violations and individuals are received in a comfortable environment.



     Question, how bad does it have to get before we (USA) realize that we have a serious problem going on over here.

     We must step-back and rethink our approach to our Crime & Punishment Policies. The numbers don't lie.

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