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Introducing Children in the Community to On-stage Acting


Unlocking the Creativity in every child's Imagination




     Our name speaks for itself, we want to provide an extra-curricular activity that will engage the child's imagination and unlock their creativity. Not only will it be loads of fun but also help keep some out of trouble. Most children get involved in the wrong things and hang with the wrong crowds during the time between right after school and dusk. Participating in a after school program will help keep them safe and entertained.



Teaching children to articulate all of their thoughts and ideas on paper has always been the ultimate duty and goal of all parents, schools and other educational facilities and it is also one of our main concerns. 

We intend to break-down the entire writing process from concept to first performance and everything in between. To teach the kids that writing is not just for work or something that needs to be avoided at all cost but that writing can be loads of fun as well.

On-Stage Plays

A child's mind is most likely, the most active place in all creation. It craves activity and excitement, and for a child to learn how to focus, control and direct all that energy can be a daunting task, all by itslef. What ICCOA will be about and teaching them is to create, write and perform in on-stage plays. They will be apart of the entire process and no doubt have fun doing it. They will learn how to interact with others speak well in front of crowds, work and perform as a group.

Concerts & Events

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